Archive | 6:21 pm

Yo – It’s Friday, Bitch!

24 Aug

Damn you,!

24 Aug

You entice me to buy things waaayyyyy too often! lol

I get a lovely email this morning reminding me that I should really finish my Deftones CD collection, so the last two I don’t have – I am excited to get!!!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…..Deftones…….they get my fire ‘a burnin! if you know what I mean ;)

My order includes:

Deftones, “Deftones”


Deftones, “Saturday Night Wrist”

(is it just me, or is ^that^ girl hot?! ….and I’m totally straight! Just admiring another woman’s beauty)

So until I get these new CD’s, as many a redneck would say down here in good ‘ole GA:

 “That Deftones CD collection is just TWO PICKLES SHORT OF A DEEEEELUXE HAMBURGER!”